Report a Problem

We wish to provide you with the most efficient response to any question or problem you may be having with the proposal submission process.  Please complete the form below and someone will respond to your issue in 12 hours or less.  This includes difficulty with completing the proposal, emailing the proposal or to confirm a proposal has been received.  These form requests will be given priority attention, 7 days a week.

Thank you for helping us make this process more efficient!

Thank you for contacting the Proposal Committee. We wish to address any concerns or suggestions regarding the proposal process in a prompt and timely manner. Someone will respond to your concern within 12 hours.

If you have submitted a proposal via email and have NOT received a confirmation of receipt, please specify the date you sent the email These concerns will be addressed within 6 hours.

Thank you!
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Special thanks to the San Francisco State University for hosting the 2016 Division 32 Conference.